Monday, June 2, 2008

Ohio License plate ER58BJ

For those of you in Columbus, be on the lookout for a man driving a silver Jaguar with the license plate ER58BJ. He almost hit me three different times today.  

First time:  Going into the construction on Trabue, he swerved toward the shoulder to avoid a bump in the road.  I went into the dirt and stayed ahead of him.  

Second time:  Still in the construction zone...  There was a gap of about a car length between me and the car in front of me.  Well, of course, he had to sneak in there.  Unfortunately that gap closed quickly and he swerved into me again.  I was still able to stay ahead of him.  

Third time:  We were out of the construction and it was finally safe to pass.  Well, it would have be safe to pass if he was not planning on making a right hand turn.  At this point I seriously debated taking my U-Lock and breaking a window or something.  

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Smudgemo said...

Call the cops and give the best description of the driver and car that you can. Tell them his reckless driving endangered your life three times. Perhaps this guy is driving with no license or has other issues that need some addressing by the PD. Either way, he'll get a message when the cops give him a call. That is if they care to do anything...

Anonymous said...

I second smudgemo's recommendation. The PD may or may not take action, but they will keep the record of this event for future violations by the driver.

We have a gentleman around my parts that likes to intentionally swerve at bicyclists AND runners to scare them. When enough people started notifying police about said jackarse, they took interest in the case.

Also, I wouldn't smash his window, judging from his car and self centered behavior, this guy is probably a lawyer...

Rick Logue said...

I'm not sure why calling the police is not my first instinct. I still haven't called. I figure that I have waited too long.