Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mass Transit is a Liberal plot to control you

I think this is my official indoctrination as a member of the "drive-by media." I'm probably giving myself too much credit, but here we go anyway....

And why do they want you using mass transit? Well, they say it's because it's less damaging to the environment. And they say it's more efficient. What it does is put you under the control of city transit plans: where you go, how you get there, when you go. Liberalism is about control. It is also about relishing the loss of liberty.
There you have it. Comedian Rush Limbaugh feels that mass transit is simply a Liberal plot to take away your rights.

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James T said...

Unbelievable...even for Limbaugh.

Taking steps to solve this Country's transportation problems and reduce our annual traffic fatality rate of around 40,000 is somehow robbing Americans of control and their liberties. Sure his die hard supporters will agree with whatever he says, but hopefully Rush is making himself less relevant to the general population with absurd statements like this one.

Smudgemo said...

It's too bad because a voice with so many unquestioning worshipers could do a lot of good. I bet if he said "Take the bus, bitches!" every dittohead out there would happily do so.

Of course, at this point the rest of us would start wondering if it was a mistake to stop driving...