I realize that my topic may make some squeamish. That's not my goal. If reading about perfectly normal bodily functions bothers you, please turn away now.
I have mentioned many times that this is my first winter where I am riding consistently. One weird thing I have noticed is that my nose runs almost non-stop while I am out in the cold.
It's been bothering me. I know it is normal, but I wanted to know why it did that. So, I headed to the google to check it out.
It turns out that the nose tries to warm up the cold air before it enters the lungs. To do this, the blood vessels in the nose get wider. Wider blood vessels produce more mucus. That mucus has to go somewhere.
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle...
Year of the Snake Saddle
22 hours ago
Your next post will be about the improved Snot Rocket Technique? Not meaning to be gross. You started the topic. :-)
Just get a Respro Techno. It keeps the face and inhaled air warm, plus it filters the air you breathe. I've been commuting in below freezing temps and haven't had any trouble with a runny nose, despite having a hyper-sensitive respiratory system.
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