Friday, December 21, 2007

What is the 2 mile challenge?

A while back, I was searching for information about the Xtracycle and I came across the Clif Bar 2 Mile Challenge website.  The fine folks at Clif Bar were challenging people to ride their bicycles on any errand that is less than two miles for their houses.  While I am normally apprehensive about corporations and their causes (after all, most corporations are only worried about the bottom line) this one really struck a cord with me.  

According to the 2 Mile Challenge website, about 40% of automobile trips are less than two miles.  If one million people replaced a 2 mile car trip with a bicycle ride once a week, carbon dioxide emissions could be reduced by 50,000 tons per year.  To put that into perspective, the average person creates 7.5 tons of emissions in a single year.

So here is my map.  It is my goal for 2008 to ride my bicycle to any place that falls within my circle.

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